They can feel aimless or overwhelming, or both, and sometimes players can end up feeling more boxed in than liberated by them. However, layered-on, limitless endgame progression systems of this sort come with problems. (It became a lot more like Diablo in that respect - coincidentally or not, current WOW executive producer John Hight also served as the production director on Diablo 3's excellent console version and Reaper of Souls expansion.) WOW became a game you could pleasurably grind away at and advance your character without feeling funnelled towards more and more challenging group content in the quest for elusive loot drops. All told, it was a net positive, dovetailing well with some of the expansion's other innovations - such as the repeatable, rotating World Quests - to open long-term endgame progression to a wider variety of players than just the raiding hardcore. Legion introduced Artifact weapons for each class specialisation that could be infinitely powered up and used to further customise each specialisation's playstyle. Two expansions ago, with 2016's Legion, high-level and endgame World of Warcraft underwent a big change.